Thanks on the Eve of Christmas
For my husband, who has a generous heart and an outstanding mind along with an intuition about people and events that can make your skin tingle.
For my son, who is full of joy and love.
For this house, which keeps us so snug.
For our neighbors, who exemplify kindness and patience.
For Trader Joe’s, which helps provides delicious, interesting, and affordable food for our family.
For Annie’s Heirloom seeds, which grew into plants — including 2 foot long unstoppable indian beans — in our garden this summer.
For the LoConte skating rink in Medford, MA.
For my sangha, which I fell in love with on my first visit over 6 years ago and which is a place of refuge and growth.
For my steadfast and loving friends who always remembers the difficult dates and shares the joys and adventures of this life.
For my siblings, companions on this path.
For my parents, who gave me life and all everything good that they could imagine.