Gathas are small chants, prayers, or songs that we can repeat during the day to keep us present and moving in a positive direction. They work on our habit energy, on our unconscious mind, to help us transform in fundamental ways. I’ve attached audio files since I tend to have music in me, but they can be spoken or simply thought as well — whatever works for you.
Work Gatha
(adapted from quizlet):
May this work be done in a spirit of generosity,
Not driven by ego, greed, or delusion.
May kindness sustain us and prevail in conflict.
And compassion guide us and lead us to understanding.
May we rejoice in the successes of others.
And remain unmoved by praise or blame.
Related quote (from the bhagavadgita):
“We are only entitle to the act, not the fruit of the act”
Gratitude Gatha
(adapted from The Plum Village Chant Book)
It can be nice to do this gatha in the morning when you wake up in the evening before going to bed (and anywhere in between)
(note: the three jewels are the buddha, the dharma (the teaching/the path) and the sangha (the beloved community), the ten directions are N, S, E, W, NE, SE, SW, NW, up, and down)
In gratitude to our mother and father who have given us life
We bow deeply before the three jewels in the ten directions.
In gratitude to our teachers who have shown us the way to
love, understand, and live deeply in the present moment
We bow deeply before the three jewels in the ten directions.
In gratitude to our friends who walk with us along the path
We bow deeply before the three jewels in the ten directions.
In gratitude to all beings in the animal plant and mineral worlds
We bow deeply before the three jewels in the ten directions.