
Hello Friends —

You are invited to a celebration of Philip and Josée Waring on Saturday July 5th 2014 2:00 p.m. at The Waring school. Event details and RSVP below. Feel free to get in touch with Rachael Burger (rachael at wordaroundtown dot com) with any questions.

The Event

The format will include:

+ a play dramatizing Philip and Josée’s life together and moments at the school they created;
+ a slide show;
+ talks or presentations;
+ a “book” (to be presented to Philip and Josée after the event) with text of talks/presentations and contributions from those who are not able to be present
+ potluck food and socializing.

Please get in touch with Rachael if you’re interested in helping out (all help is welcome!) and if you’re interested in presenting and/or contributing to the book or would like to help do design for the book.

Please invite other alumns, alumn parents, teachers, former teachers, and anyone else you think might enjoy attending. Children are welcome.

RSVP and/or Help Out

If you can’t see the form below, you can access the RSVP/Volunteer form here.

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